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SSC English 1st Paper Question Pattern

NCTB Provided SSC English 1stpaper syllabus. Follow the given SSC question format .The part-Reading contains 7 questions. Question no 1 and 2 will be set from Seen Passage- 1. Question no (1) choose the correct answer bears 7 marks. Question no (2),each of the five questions bears 2 marks; total (5X215;2=10 marks); and question no (3), fill in the blanks will be set from seen comprehension bearing 5 marks. Question no (4), information transferring bearing 5 marks and ques. no (5) summarizing bearing 10 marks will be set from Unseen Passage- (6) matching- completing fivesentences bears 5 marks. Question no. 7 rearranging bears 8 marks.

English 1st paper Short Suggestion 2020

Seen passage (Q1-3)
1. Facebook is a directory of photos………into a curse.
2. A responsibility is duty……….. ***
3. Bangladesh is called……….. ***
4. Mans is social ……… ***
5. The importance of learning English.
Unseen passage (Q4-5)
1. Mother Tereas is a dedicated soul……..
2. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest……. ***
3. Hazrat Ali (R) was bron in……..***
4. Kazi Nazrul Islam is our …………***
Paragraph Writing :
1. National Flag
2. School Magazine
3. Load shedding
4. Tree Plantation
5. Traffic Jam
6. A book fair
7. The International Mother Language day
8.Climate change
9. Internet
6. Environment Pollution***
Completing Story Writing:
1. A liar shepherd
2. Unity is strength
3. A thirsty crow
4. The fox without a tail
5. Robert Bruce.

SSC English 1st paper question

Describing graphs & charts
1. Literacy rate of Bangladesh in different years…..
2. Results of different exams……
3. Population growth…..
4. Internet and Facebook users……
5. Average temperature in Bangladesh
Informal Letter Writing:
1. Congratulating him on his brilliant result***
2. Importance of learning English***
3. Invitation birthday party
4. About your aim in life
5. Describing a road accident***
Dialogue Writing:
1. Necessity of reading newspaper***
2. A doctor on your suffering from fever***
3. Eradication of illiteracy
4. The importance of reading newspaper
5. Planning after the SSC Exam

English 2nd paper Short Suggestion

Grammar (Q1-11)
Every student should to practices grammar.
CV Writing(12)
1. For the post of Marketing Manager
2. For the post of English Teacher
3. Post of Medical Representative
4. Post of computer operator
5. Post of Library Assistant.
Formal letter/Application(13)
1. Prayer for seat in a school hostel
2. Prayer for relief flood affected people
3. Prayer for go on a study tour
4. Setting up a canteen
5. Prayer for a testimonial
Paragraph writing(14)
1. A Tee Stall
2. A Rickshaw Puller
3. A Rainy Day
4. A Moonlit Night
5. Early Rising
Short Composition(15)
1. Modern science
2. Student life

Writing For Perfect Preparation – SSC Exam

The students have to write down the exam paper. So hand writing is an important factor getting good marks. The students should practice writing the important questions which they can get common in the questions. They should practice writing the answers at home now. It’s a preparation at home before going to the examination hall finally.

Correct Question Number And Complete Answer

Before starting an answer you must confirm the correct number of a question because a student can write perfect answer but its question number may not be right. In this case he fails to obtain desired number. It’s very sorrowful. As an examiner of SSC course I have practical experience about it. So, correct numbering is very significant.
Another important factor is complete answer because incomplete answer can’t attain full marks. So, you must bear in mind that complete answer should be confirmed to obtain full marks in the examination.
If you have any question about SSC English Short Suggestion 1st & 2nd Paper then comment below or message us through our Facebook page. We will reply as soon as possible.


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